About Us
Heartland Clinics of America, Inc. (Heartland Clinics) is serving the 74 million Americans who live in rural communities across our nation. Our specific focus will be directed to the over 35 million who live two hours or more from the closest physicians, specialists, or hospital.
Using mobile clinics and telehealth, we serve the under served patients in the many healthcare deserts across America and then across the globe. We provide the best clinicians and the most modern medical technologies to those who often been ignored by traditional healthcare providers.
Our mobile medical units are also developed and designed to provide the best solutions for disaster recovery, and large mobile healthcare facilities.
Together we can make America healthy again.

- We provide multiple fixed site and mobile health units throughout the United States
- We collaborate and partners with diverse ethnic and faith-based organizations for extensive engagement and outreach to all unserved communities
- We serve the insured and uninsured by providing the best programs to assist all patients
- Comprehensive Primary and Specialty Healthcare
- Telehealth services provided
- Pharmaceutical Services
- Preventative Screenings
- Laboratory Services
- Emergency Response Services

- Our staff is culturally diverse with a combined experience of 75+ years
- Our staff members have an excellent track record in the community
- We have a multilingual staff as well as the support of volunteer clinicians and additional volunteer translators and facilitators
- Our healthcare partners, along with their physician partners, provide and donate substantial testing for Heartland Clinics of America’s uninsured patients
- Our network of mobile health units is located throughout the country to reach areas of the greatest unmet medical need
- Patient First Philosophy
- Nationwide Locations
- Superior Technology
- Flexible Solutions
- Simple and Seamless