Telehealth Rural America: Early Detection and Healthier Treatment

Telehealth services can bring healthcare services into the homes of rural Americans. This service connects patients with providers and allows them to receive diagnosis, treatment, and consultations. These services have been shown to be safe and effective in improving patient care. The technology also allows for secure health information collection. The benefits of telehealth include […]
Women’s Health in Rural America Benefits From Mobile Units

In terms of women’s health, rural Americans are often underserved. They have poorer access to health insurance and must travel greater distances to get medical attention. Additionally, rural women are often uninsured and rely on Medicaid and Medicare programs to help them pay for care. Health insurance companies have a financial incentive to address population […]
Rural Health America and Mobile Health Unit Benefits

Mobile health clinics are a good option for rural communities where access to medical care is limited. These health units can treat patients who can’t afford to see a doctor. Many mobile health clinics are funded by government and philanthropic organizations. However, many clinics also depend on private insurance and client payments. While health care […]